EAS42000: Statistical Methods in Earth and Atmospheric Science#

A course providing a toolbox of stastical methods useful in the Earth and Atmospheric Sciences.

What is this?#

Welcome to these lecture notes on Statistical Methods in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. These cover the material for a semester-length course taught at The City College of New York (CCNY) in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EAS). They were originally written by myself, Spencer Hill, in Fall 2023, while teaching this course for the first time.

Who is it for?#

The course is open to CCNY undergraduate students in EAS and other departments (as EAS 42000), EAS Masters students (as EAS A4200), and to PhD students in the City University of New York Graduate Center Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (as EES 79903-45781). For both Masters and PhD students, the official course title replaces “Stastical Methods” with “Quantitative Data Analysis.”

That said, anybody—including you reading this now—are welcome to use any/all of these materials in your own teaching or learning.

What can I do with it?#

If you’re anything other than a student currently enrolled in the course that I am teaching at CCNY, you are free to modify any of these materials however you see fit. And I encourage you to suggest any changes or improvements—or even submit a pull request that would implement them—to the Github repository where they live, which you can access via this link or via the “Octocat” silhouette logo at the top of this page.